Connected. Nourished. Supported.
Hold the Mother Foundation was created to make quality parental support services accessible for Long Island mothers and families. Hold the Mother Foundation’s mission is to help all mothers and families feel connected, nourished, and supported.
Society underestimates the amount of care and support parents will need when they’re pregnant and postpartum. Unfortunately, many vital services like prenatal education, postpartum support, maternal mental health therapy, lactation services and pelvic floor physical therapy can be costly and may not be covered by insurance. Hold the Mother makes these necessary services more accessible to families who may not be able to afford the cost.
Hold the Mother also believes community is critical during the transition to parenthood. We provide families with free or no cost postpartum support groups, meals and care packages during the postpartum period. Parents deserve to be nourished as they care for their children.
A strong support system can help families navigate the challenges of parenthood and learn various skills. This same community can also be there to celebrate the joys of having children. It really does take a village to raise a child. We’re here to help you find your way and make this time of your life a period where you feel connected to yourself, others and your children.
Hold the Mother funds will provide:
No Mom Left BehindMeals for local families in the immediate postpartum period.
Professional services not covered by insurance.
Education and group support for those in need.
Free peer support program - No Mom Left Behind
Financial and practical support for qualifying local families who have been faced with a medical crisis or loss.
Hold the Mother Foundation is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.